Farewell 1st Funding Period (2016-2019) and Welcome-Retreat 2nd Funding Period (2019-2022) – Retreat
in Berlin – Templin
Next NK-cell Meeting in Luxmburg
The 18th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity
Save the date: September 30 to October 3, 2019
Job offer in Berlin
The Institute of Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunology at Campus Benjamin Franklin (Director: Andreas Diefenbach) invites applications for a full-time (38,5 hrs./week) position as the Head of the Flow Cytometry Unit. Here is the exact job description:
Head of Flow Cytometry Unit at ChariteIMH_Berlin
The position is open as of 1 April 2019 and initially limited to 3 years, with the possibility of extension. Please send your application until 15 February 2019.
Link to the Institute of Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunology: https://imh.charite.de/index.php?id=30241697&L=1
Upcoming Conferences, Meetings and Symposia…2019
SPP 1937 – Call for proposals for the second funding period
You are welcome to submit project proposals to the DFG via this link: http://www.dfg.de/foerderung/info_wissenschaft/info_wissenschaft_18_74/index.html
Deadline for proposal submission is 30 January 2019.
Impressions from the 3rd SPP 1937 retreat in Hamburg at UKE 12-13 September 2018
3rd international ILC Meeting in Tokyo, Japan:
November 29 – December 1, 2018
July 18, 2018 | Registration has opened. |
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Berlin on June 9, 2018
The DFG Priority Program SPP 1937 informed about its activities with posters, flyers and an oral presentation
Upcoming 3rd Retreat: September 12-13, 2018
Source: mopo.de
Funding Program
Link to the Management Training “Young Leaders in Science 2018/2019” (Schering Stiftung):
Eligible for application are:
- Young life sciencists leading a junior group or taking staff responsibilities
- with an excellent PhD thesis
- working in Germany
Deadline: January 31, 2018
1st Winter School and 2nd Retreat at Kloster Schöntal
December 13 – 16, 2017

Source: tagungshotel.com
Impressions from the successful SPP 1937 Winter School and annual Retreat 2017. We thank Prof. José Henrique Veiga Fernandes from the Champalimaud Institute, Lisbon, for his Keynote Lecture at the Winter School.
A Flash Talk Section and a Poster Session, where PhD students and Postdocs presented their current research results, were part of the Winter School.
The Monastery Kloster Schöntal impressed with its baroque architecture